Three State 测试 Tips for Students and Parents

State Test Taking Tips for Students and Parents - Image of a young female student in a pink sweater taking an online test on her laptop.

How to pass the state test is straightforward: Perform above the minimum passing score. 

Self-motivated, independent learners, however, don’t settle for the minimum. They challenge themselves to go well above and far beyond squeaking by. And their scores on standardized state tests and 大学入学考试 是衡量他们成就的重要标准吗.

Now that those tests are looming over the academic landscape, it’s time to review some state testing tips for parents and students. Students who start studying early can potentially avoid the 死记硬背的压力和焦虑 and build up their confidence to hit the ground running on test day. 

Connections Academy students have a built-in advantage. Working with their parents and Learning Coaches, they can use the flexibility of their daily school schedules to build in time for some important test prep. 

状态测试提示No. 1:锻炼,睡好,吃好

锻炼 is not directly related to exam performance, but it 支持健康睡眠,鼓励 更好的食物选择,并交付 更多的氧气 to the brain—all of which contribute to test success. 

High achievers generally have good sleep and nutrition habits, but they also are prone to pulling all-nighters to get ready for the big test. 这样做弊大于利. Establishing a healthy routine as a matter of test preparation eliminates the need for stressful cram sessions.

抽出时间进行体育锻炼, 休息, and healthy eating habits in your student’s schedule jumpstarts a study routine that contributes to: 

  • 更好的认知功能. Everything about a test—thinking understanding, 推理, 语言能力, 例如, as well as the brain’s ability to organize in格式ion, and emotional wellbeing—are all traced back to good food and sound sleep. 

  • 减少压力和焦虑. Kids who are well fed and 休息ed are in better emotional condition, more self-confident, and relaxed.

  • 改进的回忆. Sleep gives students’ brains time to process and store in格式ion, which improves memory retention. Diets high in nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids also have been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. 

  • 增加能量和警觉性. Kids who are focused and 警报 are much more likely to thrive in a test-taking situation than peers who are sleepy, 饿了, 和脾气暴躁.

州试提示No. 2:学习如何为国家考试而学习

How your student studies for standardized exams depends on the test 格式

Multiple choice questions evaluate mastery of facts. 文章测试, 另一方面, challenge students to demonstrate their depth of knowledge, 写作技巧, 以及他们的推理能力. 许多标准化测试包括这两种格式. 

如何为国家考试学习 论文 可能包括审阅相关材料, 课堂讲稿, and practicing writing short answers based on that in格式ion. 

快闪记忆卡 are a tried-and-true way to prepare for the multiple choice section of state tests. The immediate feedback of flash cards—since the answer is either right or wrong—encourages self-reflection and quick in格式ion recall.


Knowing what to expect on the state test is one thing, but just as important is establishing a strong foundation for staying focused, 警报, 并在考试当天自信满满. 

Here are some things for students to remember:

  • Read each question and its answers carefully before marking down your answer.
  • Ask for help if you don’t understand the directions.
  • Skip a question if it takes you too long to figure out. Answer the questions you know first before coming back to the skipped questions
  • Try to answer every question by making the best choice you can.
  • Double-check your answers if you finish early.

All that’s left now is for your student to get to bed early the night before the test, 考试那天早上吃一顿好早餐, 然后去碾碎它! 

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